Royalty and Referral Forecasting
Yearly Forecast
Monthly Forecast
Track Forecast vs. Actuals
Forecast Dashboard
Lifetime Earnings
Zazzle ProDesigner Level Achieved
Earnings needed to level up. Based on total lifetime earnings from Zazzle's U.S. domain (Zazzle.com)
Total Earnings Forecast vs Actual by Year Chart
Royalty Forecast vs Actual by Year Chart
Referral Forecast vs Actual by Year Chart
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze each chart
Monthly Dashboard
Total Earnings by Month & Year Chart
Total Royalty, Referral, and Volume Bonus by Month Chart
Total Transactions by Month Chart
% of Total Earnings by Month Chart
Avg $ per Transaction by Month Chart
MoM % Change in Earnings Chart
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze each chart
Yearly Dashboard
Total Earnings by Month & Year Chart
Total Royalty, Referral, and Volume Bonus by Year Chart
Total Transactions by Year Chart
% of Total Earnings by Year Chart
Avg $ per Transaction by Year Chart
YoY % Change in Earnings Chart
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze each chart
Whether you're a Zazzle Affiliate or a Zazzle Designer, you will visually be able to determine your top selling designs and products - so you can sell more
Customer Behavior Dashboard
Unique Number of Customers
Total Royalty & Referral Earnings
Average $ Spent Per Customer
Total Royalty by Hour and Day of Week Chart
Total Royalty by Country and State Chart
Total Referral by Day, Hour, and Source Chart
Total Royalty by Referral Source Chart
Total Referral by Tracking Code Source Chart
Count of Referred Transactions by month and Year Chart
Customized Transactions by Month and Year
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze each chart
Top 20 Royalty by Date Comparison Dashboard
All-time top 20 product title and type by royalty
Compare Side-by-Side any date ranges
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze the charts
Top 10 Royalty Dashboard
All-time top 10 product title and type by royalty
Last 12 Months - top 10 product title and type by royalty
Last 3 Months - top 10 product title and types by royalty
Last Month - top 10 product title and types by royalty
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze the charts
- Top 10 Referral Dashboard
All-time top 10 product title and type by referral
Last 12 Months - top 10 product title and type by referral
Last 3 Months - top 10 product title and types by referral
Last Month - top 10 product title and types by referral
Helpful Hints & Tips to Analyze the charts
Support via DanielleFernandezDesigns@gmail.com
Support via private Facebook group
One Zazzle Earnings Analytics PDF Report
STRICTLY NO REFUNDS. There are no refunds under any circumstance including but not limited to: for change of mind. Serious buyers only please. If you have any questions, please ask before purchasing
Email DanielleFernandezDesigns@gmail.com
I will help you however I can to make sure you are satisfied! Ongoing support provided via private Facebook group.
Please note that this is a digital product and no physical product will be sent. After payment is received, you will receive an automatic email. In that email will be a link to the upload page and instructions.